We're so excited to share that our son have arrives. Please say hello to...
Mr. Tonlé Solomon Kenyon Born in Bangkok Thailand October 4th 2018 at 10:14pm Weight: 9 pounds 2 ounces Length: 53 centimeters

We would love you to PRAY with us
Mom's/Mum's recovery after quite the journey bringing this little guy into the world.
For Tonlé's continued health and for anything the Lord would like to share with you about him. (Please send us an email and share any words for our little guy)
The passport/visa process - We need to get an english translated birth certificate, a passport, Cambodian visa, and plane tickets to get back home to Cambodia.
Please pray this goes smoothly and we don't have to spend hours in the embassy with a newborn and a healing Emma.
Pray Father God would continue to grow and fill our hearts with wisdom as parents.